Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday Favorites || product of third trimester insomnia

time is ticking away.  h o w has another month almost come & gone?
we literally just got back from the beach & cam started the first grade.
now, he has almost been in this new school year for a whole month...

it seems there is so much to do before our sweet girl arrives (and we need so much more time!), but in reality, regardless of if everything we want to get done- actually gets done, everything will be OKAY & the world will keep turning.  right? 🤗  this is a lesson I've learned time & time again.

life this week...
one. insomnia
perhaps it was the steroid shots...or the fact that my heartburn kicked in.
too much lemonade?  could be.
whatever the reason.  tepp & I pulled an all-nighter wednesday night.
the holiday on repeat. lists. plans. interesting.  pretend shopping. unloading the dishwasher was the only productive thing I can say that I found myself doing.
can I have all of Cameron Diaz's cute wardrobe choices from this movie for winter to cover up my fresh post partum bod?🤔
I digress.
two. nursery progress
rug ✔️
closet space ✔️
furniture on the way ✔️
this room would not exist without the help of our family.  I'm so grateful for bebe, joe daddy, + kk & all the help they've given us around the home.  without them, things wouldn't be coming together the way that they are.  my list of todo's, okay, things I "think" I have to buy in here is driving me crazy.  I'm the worlds worst to be inpatient.  it's one of those, ya just need to take a seat in the thankful chair & look at all God's blessed with & forget the rest.  these are some of my most teachable moments.

three. big boy room progress
i'm coming to terms with the fact that when you want things done right, things have to wait.  the boys don't even technically sleep in their room & right now it functions as a guest room when needed-making it at the lower end of the priority at the moment.  all the praise hands lifted to Jesus that their clothes are organized & all in one place so-it is a functional space, though not put together yet!

four. crockpot queen
two weeks & counting of crockpot weeknight success.
thank you Pinterest.
I doubted myself.  
I have learned one thing.  never doubt the power of ice cream. 
 it made Conley eat & love beef stroganoff.

five. garvin & co's back to school morning playlist
cam & I tried it out one morning this week & loved it.  plus, I got rid of old town road for a few seconds🤪.  aside from this playlist, i also love her blog & insta account for holiday/home inspo &the wealth of essential oil info.  sometimes it scares me how I'm hearing myself talk when she refers to her childhood, love for fall, & christmas quotes. #twinning
p.s. I had to add Aretha franklin's "you send me" to my personal list after watching the holiday...
source: garvin & co

I also got dunking donuts two times this week before teletherapy. does that count as a memorable fav for the week? I vote yes.
50 days or less + counting til' baby girl💕
wishing you all a happy s l o o o o w holiday weekend!