Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Baby A # 3 || 33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs (Baby girl was 4 lbs 6 oz)
Maternity clothes? YES.  It's hard to find tops to cover my belly!  Dresses/overalls/rompers are the least needy things to wear, as I don't have to make sure my belly isn't hanging out.
Sleep: I have to pee about 4 times a night!  The ultrasound yesterday showed that she is right on my bladder, therefore, you can imagine how little liquid has to be in me to have the sensation to go😂. Basically, I just have to stand up.
Movement?  She is the energizer bunny🐰. Never not moving, basically.
Best moment this week: Getting answers. A little over a week ago, I went to the hospital with contractions coming every 5 minutes.  I have never experienced that before in all of my pregnancies.  After resting for about 40 minutes, taking Tylenol, & laying the water to me, with no avail, we were instructed to head to the hospital triage.  After they hooked me up to monitor heart rate & contractions, apparently the Tylenol kicked in, & the contractions went down to about 5 an hour.  Once I left triage, of course they would kick back in & lasted until about 3-4pm that evening.   More Tylenol, rest, and water must have done the trick, because they stopped.  I have to say, with all that went on while I was pregnant with Conley, my nerves just haven't been settled with this pregnancy-especially when one month my cervix shrank substantially this pregnancy.  *Though every pregnancy is different*, I was on bed rest, progesterone, steroid shots, all to prepare for premature labor with Conley.  Though my cervix hasn't been (to our knowledge) as short this time-it's hard to understand how the care can be so different.  I expressed all of these concerns at my appointment yesterday & they did a little more investigating to ease my worries.)  It turns out, I was dilated 1 cm, though not a huge concern at 33 weeks with a third baby, still enough to go ahead and get steroid shots and monitor dilation every week until 36 weeks.  It's definitely not a fun regimen, but I just want her to stay put as long as she needs to & to have a healthy baby girl when the time is right.  Hopefully, all will go well😊  
discussing cologne bedside.
gave me 3 shots...who dis?
Miss Anything? Laying on my belly & sitting with out my back feeling like it's going to crush my tail bone.
Cravings: Bruster's Key Lime Ice Cream.  Don't try it unless you want to be hooked!  Also, ice.  Crushed ice.  Is just looking at coffee considered a legit craving?  I don't particularly crave the taste, just carrying it around.
Gender:  Girl 🎀 
Looking forward to: Just making it one more day to see her sweet face.  I'm really trying to be present and mindful of each and every day of this last pregnancy.  The little kicks, the flutters, the fact that God has allowed me to carry three healthy babies & grow to love them before I even meet them.  It's a beautiful love story that I have no doubt he careful wove together...the love of a mother.  Blessed is an understatement.