Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Anticipation || (+) Tying Up Loose Ends for A Fresh Start

December 23rd, 2019
Do you know how long I have desired to sit down to write just for fun?  So many nights I've thought...I would love to just sit by the tree after everyone goes to bed & write.  Somehow the days have gone by & I've found myself the day before Christmas Eve.  I've missed Baker's 1st and 2nd month milestones...I've missed her first Thanksgiving.  And here we are Christmas!

<Just be prepared...I'm on break & they ARE coming!  I'm determined!>

Not to be all down & all, but, I've really had a conflict of emotions the past week.  It seems as though Christmas (the actual day) leaves me sad.  The anticipation of it is what I adore.  That's where the excitement is.  By the time the actual day draws near, retailers have already moved on to the next holiday, everyone is already talking of taking their tree down, & I'm at the point now where I'm just waiting for Cam to figure out that Santa is only a fairy tale.  It hurts my heart to know I'm at a stage I had seen so far in the distance for so long.

Alright, enough sad & sappy.  Sorry, guys-I do find myself in a bit of depression toward the end of the year-but by New Years, I'm ready to take on a fresh start.  It's all a crazy cycle.  Anyone else feel the same or do you just count your blessing & smile (as I know I should!). Please do let me in on your ways of overcoming these sad thoughts.

Back to better topics as I promised!  This weekend has been wonderful.  And it's all because of that precious anticipation!

May this new year be full of it without wishing the time away!

Fast forward (or "Fast play" as Conley says) to 1/14/20 and I still haven't published this...
Though I don't have any pictures or didn't finish out the post...I didn't want to lose the mindless rambling;) So here it is!  Maybe I'll find time to catch up in the near future.