Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Musings from June

It's almost the end of June (whaaaatttt?), & summertime is in full swing.
Even though I'm still working this summer, I do have a sense of a little more laid back schedule.
I am missing my morning car drop off time with Cam, but I do get to leave later and arrive earlier to work!  The list of kids I get isn't as long & on Fridays we tend to work on paperwork/computer type things at the office.

It's a nice change!  

I do find myself having trouble to get out of bed in the mornings.  
All these rainstorms just make me want to curl up in the covers & doze back off!  
Anyone else?

Here it comes.
Summer Photo Dump....
+ commentary😬

Alternatively titled...Cam & Conley + Food.
I feel like Conley knows something is about to change.  He loves talking about baby sister, but man, he is my right arm lately!  Snuggling my current youngest baby extra❤️
Nesting in full swing.  This is my love language.
I'm in love with this space & can't wait for paint and the lighting fixture with all the pillows!
Food is both the highlight & downside of my day.
I feel so hungry I could eat a horse, but most days I can't fit much into this big belly!
The boys have loved coming to the baby doc with me lately.  And I don't mind because they have been super great the whole time!
We had a great time celebrating daddy!
Teppy got the worst haircut of her life, but she loves living life under the booth.
Her new favorite place to sneak a snack or catch a few zzz's.
I snapped this picture during a tornado warning.  The boys are amazed with tornados and storms.
As long as they don't get out of hand, there really isn't anything better than summer storm watching!
Back to the basics.
Hot weather=ice cream life.  I try to be good & then Cade brings something in called "BLUEBELL BANANA PUDDING ICE CREAM."  I could literally never eat another thing and die a happy girl.
Diet Cherry Limeades ARE summer.
They LOVE art.  And they are a m a z i n g at it!
And any excuse to eat fruit.
<homemade waffles by Conley + yours truly🤗 #proudmoment>