Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Let's Catch Up!

I can already tell this is going to be one of those posts that I continuously question with how off topic & rambling I sound without making any point whatsoever,
BUT I've got to end the ongoing hiatus & catch back up at some point, right?
Summer is officially over for us as work & soon to be school (Cam starts full time tomorrow) are in full swing! 
What about you guys, is summer over when school starts back or do you hang on to the very last ray?

I've really had a hard time putting my thoughts & emotions into words lately.
On top of that, so much is going on & I am overwhelmed in finding my pace again.
Laundry is piling up, the house is turned upside down most days, & do dishes ever end?
My job is very needy right now as I learn all new students & a whole new way of doing things. 
 I've been making materials like cra-ZY.
  Finding time to blog has been at the END of my list.
Unless I find time before work, which I am already getting up to workout, pray, & read my bible, I just can't bring myself to do it instead of spending time with my boys. 
Bear with me as I work through all the kinks & figure out what works for me!
I'm just going to do a photo dump of sorts with little details of life lately.  I love to tell my life in picture form.  Totally speaks to the visual person that I am!  I would like to note that we sprinkled bits & pieces of fall around the house *basically in hopes that the new season ahead would inspire us to work hard so we can "play hard."
 Cade even put on a vest Sunday for church to, as he described it, "usher in fall."
I am a broken record about fall & Christmas (& probably how proud I am of Cam & how I can't believe he's going to kindergarten), but I am a pediatric speech therapist... so it's what I do. Repeat, repeat, repeat!  #sorrynotsorry
 Crisp air, "You've Got Mail" on repeat, spotting pumpkins on every door step, & sniffs of apple pie in the air can't come into my life soon enough!  Not to mention soup Sunday & all the football games we get to watch together as we toss the soft football + Cade & Cam argue over who is better-the Seahawks or the Panthers. 

I don't know how many more, "Mommy, don't leave me! Don't go to work" snuggles I can take.

I am so excited to spend football game days like THIS (okay, & maybe a little laundry)...
  So many years he has been away!!  Not taking anything for granted these days.


Wishing you all a beautiful Tuesday, sweet friends.
Let the games begin!!
a little bit of emily said...

I am so ready for fall, too!

Cassidy Adams said...

It's definitely that point in the season where change is so refreshing:)

Anonymous said...

So not a broken record - bring on the leaves and the pumpkins! I definitely get times where everything gets overwhelming too - I'm back at work after a 10 day break and everything is just crazy - huge washing piles too - totally relate! Thinking about apple pie and Christmas films does help with the stress doesn't it?! BTW I love your boys in the Hallow'een PJS - I've got to look for something similar - great idea!! Hope Cam is enjoying school x