Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wordy Wednesday

Hi, friends!
This set of snow days came at the p e r f e c t time, as my smallest shorty & I, both came down with congestion, sore throats, + barky coughs with a side of headaches Monday night.  So thankful we made it to the doctor + back home before it all went down this afternoon.  We have been watching the beauty unfold all evening long while getting some much needed r+r...
 there is nothing more cozy than that in my book!

Did you guys get a snow day in your neck of the woods?  Are you over the snow or all about it?  I have to say, I am the odd ball in the world it seems, as I am always ALL ABOUT IT.  But...I DO need to squeeze in all my hours at work at the same time-SO...
 I kinda wish snow days would waltz in around Thursday-Sunday😬
Thought I'd share a few of my favorite things happening so far in the new year on this snowy Wednesday morning:

1. THIS😍 
If you don't follow the @letteredcottage on instagram, you missed out on a great motivational pep talk.  Regardless if your passion is writing, drawing, talking, dancing, or WHATEVER it may be - this is for anybody & everybody:)
I know I've had some people ask me about their desire to start blogging, & whether it is blogging you are on the fence about or whatever thing you'd like to tackle may be, don't be afraid to step out & try something you think you'd love to do. LOVE this!

2.  Candace + Kira 18k
Candace Cameron is like one of my #momgoal motivations right now😂  
So are Kelly Ripa's arms...💪🏽
 I guess it's no surprise that during my annual "motivation to be healthier at the beginning of the new year" mode, she & her trainer Kira Stokes, got my attention with their push-up challenge on instagram.  50 push-ups a day for 350 days of 2018=18,000 push ups in 2018.  Now, I DID miss my first day yesterday after myself & my baby both came down with a nasty sick spell last night, but I'm not giving up!  15 of 16 days isn't so bad & I can totally do an extra 50 when I feel better.  It's been so fun to have that challenge every day...never too late to join in:)
3.  Essie Marshmallow Finger Nail Polish
Found the perfect winter nail color right here, folks☝🏽
I may paint my nails this color for the rest of my life.
And, yes, I was a little frightened of fingernail gate part 2...
& rightfully so...because, this time the floor got it instead of my face.
4.  Cam-ism #45423
"Conley, you are brave.  Your grace is brave."
<as Conley prepared to enter the doctor's office Tuesday morning...
Top that quote.  I dare ya.
and here I go again with the new yearish type january vibes
5.  My Fitness by Jillian Michaels
  I have loved Jillian as a trainer for going on 9 years, I guess?  She always challenges me & I wake up the next day k n o w i n g she kicked my butt-all from the comfort of home & while dealing with a hectic schedule of when to fit a workout in.  If I'm going to spend what little free time I have working out, I don't know about you, but I want to see & feel results!  This program is very affordable vs. the barre classes I'd love to get back to + it offers meal plans & a new work out everyday, customizable to the part of the body you want to work that particular day.  It's easily accessible for travel as it can be accessed on your phone or iPad, & it logs how many calories you burn during each workout via an apple watch, as well as keeps track of each workout you complete.  I just completed my first week with it, & have to far I highly recommend this!❤️
Because, GIRLS, don't we all know...
Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happyHappy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.
These wise words of Elle Woods, though.😜

Do you have any favorite things you’ve discovered lately?☺️