Saturday, February 22, 2020

Baker Henley | 4 Months

whats new...
It's basically like she turned 4 months, and she caught a second wind and decided she never needed to rest again🤪. All three of these kids fight sleep just like their 31 year old mama.  31 years and STILL fighting the need to sleep-too busy living.  Sometimes I want to stuff their mouths full of melatonin gummies so they will actually rest....but WHO am I kidding??  I totally get them.

B went to DISNEY WORLD at 4 months old!  She was an angel sleeping and pooping in the stroller all trip long.  You could set your clock by dressing her in the cutest outfit and ruining it with an explosive diaper.  My babies keep me grounded-this is the real world mom.  Matching shirts are NOT who we are!

She has learned that she can make noise-and I don't believe she has been quiet since😂

As active as she is...
I'm really feeling the need to invest in a swing and a bouncer to give her more entertainment options!

eating, POOPING, listening to herself make all the noise-repeat:)  She loves for her humans to talk to her and give her all the attention-naturally.
She loves her bathtime & bedtime (when it is time), her Cinderella dangler, her big bros

being laid down
Paci-still trying to get her to take one-but she wants it less and less
(kind of favoring two fingers to suck on)

play & cognitive development
more alert/need to be entertained
sat in bumbo
pulls herself up into seated position (but falls over😋)
totally in 6-9 month clothing🤯

Still a huge fan-still breastfeeding basically on demand.
She goes longer times between feedings, but she cracks me up when it's time.
She grins all over and kicks her feet in excitement.  
I bought some oatmeal to mix with breastmilk to start trying this month...we will see how that goes:)

awesome night sleeper-terrible napper🙃
She does typically take a nap in the mornings as she wakes up with me about 5 am...
then in the evenings when we are in the pick up line to get Cam from school.
Car rides typically send her into a sleep coma!  And I'm thankful to at least have that! 

sibling love
I never could have dreamed up how much they all seem to love each other.  In the back of my mind, I do have visions of the brother sister fights to come...but for now I'm just soaking up all the sweetness.  One of my favorite memories this month has been when we walked past a prom dress store in the mall and Cam said, "I bet we can find Bakie a dress in there!"  He's always thinking of his little sister.  Love his HEART to pieces.

As usual...I'll probably come back and edit this post as things come to me...
but for now-Baker is actually asleep and I actually felt like being on my computer for something other than work-now I think I'll get some sleep myself!
4 month photo dump