Friday, May 21, 2021

When Life Gives You Key Limes...

You make key lime pie, of course! 

More on that below...

Happy Friyay!  This is our last weekend before summer kicks off for the babes & it is a B U S Y one.  It's my last week of Tennessee speech before summer break.  Goodness, I'm just having a harder time saying goodbye to my kids every year.  They become so special to me.  I feel so blessed to meet them & their family & be a small part of their lives for this short time-all from the comforts of home!  How is May almost JUNE?  You guys.  It's almost officially summer.  


Mostly things I want to remember about this week...sorry(but also not sorry) for all the mom details🤗

Conley & Baker just had their last day of MDO yesterday.  Tuesday they will go & we will meet them for their graduation...this year has flown by in so many ways.  I'm so thankful for this program & that we got to be a part of their first year.  It has been such a blessing to our family.  They had "Disney Day/Mickey Day" & "Red, White, & Blue" day this week.  

Cam has had a fun filled week, too.  His school is so festive-even for the last week of school & he eats it up.  They've had Field Day, Willy Wonka Day, Neon Day, Happy Birthday Tennessee Day, & Camping Day.  How fun is that??  Also, I take him so early in the am...that pictures are not cool for him🤪

Picture overload...Haircuts, Cheese Dip, Baseball, & Build a Bear (Baker's first trip)❤️

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS MILESTONE??? BAKER'S PIGGIES???  AND SHE WEARS THEM ALMOST ALL DAY (MOST DAYS) LOL!  And has started asking for a bow.  I've been waiting so long for this!


I've been slack on learning a verse this week, but I picked a new one out this morning.

It's longer🥴  I may be in trouble!

"Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Phil 4:6-7

The reoccurring theme of "grace" has been in my devotions this week.  I mean, can we really get over the fact that once we are saved, God has cleansed us from all unrighteousness forever?  FOREVER?  I don't deserve that.  How can we ever hold a grudge with another person with such forgiveness being given to US?  I've been there!  And it humbles me to think that I've held grudges with such forgiveness being given to me.  Wow!


I'm loving the following podcasts during my walks-  I love my music, but I gain such a sense of  accomplishment working on my brain & physical health at the same time😆 
(Granted, I miss a lot of info with my Conley talks) those r e a l l y educate me!

These are all so good-health, work, & faith based-found all on Spotify 💕

Why is it this time of year that I always get SO EXCITED ABOUT FALL & HALLOWEEN!? 👻🍁


I'm going to share our bedroom!  It is by no means finished...I still have a list of things to do one day-but we at least have some color & some sort of bedding that is beginning to capture my vision.  I've got to get two more picture frames for above the bed so don't let that throw you!  When you talk Cade into hanging get what you get & you don't pitch a fit.

We got some "sad" house news yesterday.  We ordered new living room furniture in January, that was supposed to be delivered in February.  That got pushed back to mid May.  Here we are mid-May-& now it has been pushed back to mid-June😢  We have holes in our couch LOL #boys.  I'm so ready for this to come!  Also, I can't get Cade interested in hanging lighting fixtures until it comes...SO...there's that, too!

Homemade Key Lime Pie- it's just my favorite.  And I'm pretty sure it's my kids favorite, too.  They loved helping me make this one, & while I said I wanted to find the best recipe...
1.  I don't know how it can get much better than this one. (The only thing I added was cinnamon to the crust mixture.)
2.  And I don't know if it is going to be a conducive factor to trying to be healthy, to always have one on hand.  Every couple of weekends?  Maybe.  Everyday?  No. 


Graham cracker crust

  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 6 tbsp butter melted

Key Lime Filling

  • 28 oz sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup light sour cream
  • 3/4 cup key lime juice
  • zest from 2 regular limes or 4 key limes

Whipped Cream Topping

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


Graham cracker crust

  • Preheat oven to 375F.
  • Mix graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and butter in a small bowl. Press the crumb mixture into an 8" - 9.5" pie pan. Bake for 7 minutes. Cool for at least 30 minutes.

Key Lime Filling

  • Preheat oven to 350F
  • Whisk together sweetened condensed milk, sour cream, lime juice, and lime zest in a medium bowl. Pour into prepared graham cracker crust and bake for 10 minutes.
  • Let pie cool slightly before chilling. Chill for at least 3 hours.

Whipped Cream Topping

  • Beat heavy cream and sugar together in a mixer until stiff peaks form. Beat in vanilla. Spread or pipe the whipped cream on top of the cooled pie. Top with additional lime zest if desired.

    Recipe from Mom On Timeout


All the red white & blue stuff is speaking to me🙃

I love the fourth!


Hard75-has turned in to the Hard50🥴

I can't quit starting over when things aren't perfect.  I'm on day 3 of a perfect streak...but in my health podcast-I learned that this is my flaw.  I can't ever aim for perfection because it isn't a lifestyle.  I'm just proud of myself for being active!  And while I'm going to try to keep up checking all the boxes, if I don't-I'm going to keep moving forward.

I've applied all the "brain" information & how we control our thoughts/feelings to this time of year.  I get so sad this time of year seeing my babies grow.  It's such a blessing!  Of course...but, I just can't believe how fast it is going by.  It hurts my heart, & I think a little bit of the anxiety I talked about last week comes from that.  But-what if I channeled that thinking in to being thankful I've got to be right beside them through it all?  That they are healthy & growing into little people God created-& that he has big plans for their life & I get to be a big influence in that.  It's given me a whole new fresh perspective.

This is just proof that God works in my life everyday-he is helping grow in my faith & in Him.  I'm so thankful.  I don't want to stay where I'm at-I want to grow!  I need to grow!  

Can we talk about how cute (and motivating) my new water cup is???  I'm in love!  And I've drank a gallon of water a day no problem with it.  The only down side is I can't put ice in it, because the vinyl custom parts start to fall off:/. It seems to be fine without ice.  I do love it despite that flaw!


SUMMER!  Our pool is open now & we are planning to bust it wide open this evening!

Hope you all have the best weekend & week<3