Monday, December 17, 2012

Friday, December 14th

Friday, December 14th.  A day of joy...and a day of sorrow.  On December 14, 2012 my husband and I went to the baby doctor to find prayers that had been answered... while others in Sandy Hook, Connecticut lost 26 precious souls to senseless violence.

In our moment of thanks and praise, we were brought back to earth...Heartbroken.  Stunned... for those experiencing a different kind of day.  My heart had been so heavy since seeing the news that morning while driving to the doctor.

As soon as we entered the doctors office, we sat down to the news coverage of the shooting and learned of just how many had been killed and watched until we were called back for our ultrasound.

The past two doctor visits...haven't been what one would call fun and exciting.  While doing the anatomy review the sonographer found two cysts on our little guys brain.  In the midst of finding out the gender and wanting so bad to be so excited about what lie ahead...we were scared to death.  "What if's" became a daily routine of questions I thought about to myself.  Only to come back the next appointment to learn that the cysts hadn't went away, in fact, now we had learned of a new concern: blood in his bowels-something they call "echogenic bowels."  The staff and Dr. B tried to comfort and assure us that everything would be okay, but...lets just call it like it is.  We are still two kids...scared to death to be on this journey in the first place, and hearing these observations didn't help our worries and concerns.  We just, as any other parents, wanted to hear "everything is perfect."  

Fast forward to Friday morning, December 14, 2012-as the sonographer began the third anatomy check, we braced ourselves for the worst and desperately hoped for the best.  Cade, being the inquisitive guy that he is, immediately questioned "Where are the cysts?"  "They're gone," she said.  He grabbed my hand and I think the weight of those two months of not knowing what lie ahead disappeared.  We watched as she identified where the cysts had been on the monitor and I silently thanked God for what he had done.  I think we were the happiest two people in Knoxville in the midst of the tragic news America had begun to learn.  Despite our little message from heaven, I couldn't get the people of Sandy Hook...or parents who get "bad" news in general everyday at doctor's offices around the country, off of my mind.

Why did we get this good news?  Prayer.  I KNOW...God heard our prayers.  So many people loved us enough to lift us up, many not even knowing of a specific need to pray, and God removed those cysts and the echogenic bowels are slowly beginning to disappear.  I think he just wanted us to put our trust in him no matter what the result would be.  What can we do for those in Sandy Hook?  For others all over the country who do not get good news?  Pray.  God listens.  He knows and loves us so much.  Our worries and concerns are His own.  We just have to put our faith in Him even when we don't understand or know what else to do.  And another thing God did Friday?  He took all of those little babies that were shot, and they are now in Heaven in his arms.  What a beautiful thing to think of in the midst of such a tragedy.  God always improvises when things seem hopeless.

So today...I just want to share with you a few precious pictures of our miracle.  A special (though new) person  (I think she's an in our lives, Denise, who has been AMAZING through this whole experience allowed us to get a free 3D ultrasound Friday.  So...not only did we get good news but we got to get an early 3D ULTRASOUND:)  We got to see what our little guy is going to look like for the first time!
                                       Best Anniversary EVER...

When I look at him, I want to be thankful.  I want to remember how blessed I am and remember those who are hurting today because of what happened Friday Morning in Sandy Hook.  I want to remember those parents-that individual-that family- that don't come home from the doctor with good news.  I want to lift them up in prayer as if it were my own news.  My own life.

It is so easy to get caught up in the superficial parts of life.  I am the world's worst.  But everyday I grow closer to becoming a mom, I find myself more burdened to change that.  That is my prayer.  I want to be thankful.  I want to realize the important things that I have right in front of me and never take them for granted.  I want to truly see life as I should-precious.  I want to be concerned about the what really matters: and that is people.

Happy a Blessed Monday Everyone.  Because..we are all truly are blessed.
Chelsea V. said...

Congrats! Amazing post and so thankful for your happy news!