Friday, July 22, 2016

H54F || No Rest

No time for rest.  No time for sleep.  Too much to do!  What I would give for a dose of Cam's energy these days!  Anyway.  Happy Fri-yay:)  The first days of school & crisp fall eves are creeping up on us.  I'm reminded everyday by the school supplies that are quickly creeping their way onto store shelves & the "dog days" of summer.  I mean, how much hotter can it get?  Right!?!  

This week in a nutshell...
1. BUDGET.  After a rough couple of weeks (me working minimal hours d/t school being out,  vacation- for hubby to come back to a layoff & new job) we are back to our budgeting (& working) ways & I feel so much more organized & "with it" again.  I can't stand feeling sloppy in this area after we first decided to start this at the beginning of the year.  We've set big goals for our little family & with God's help...he's going to help us meet them:)

2.  No Rest For the Rad.  Is it just me or is this everyones life?  I swear- I start getting mine ready for bed around 7 pm & it seems like it always turns into 11pm before they finally give up the fight.  At THAT point, I'm too tired to put one foot in front of the other to get a n y t h i n g accomplished!  While I will be happy when Conley lets me rest again, I know this is only temporary & one day I will wish I had this time back.  I've said it before & I'll say it again...I'll sleep when I'm dead...or retired from life:)

3.  Preschool Prep.  It turns out, we've hardly had ANY pre-kers (a whopping maximum of THREE) attend our summer camp the past two weeks!  So, Mr. Camster has reaped the benefits.  He has gotten to play with us several days!  He is in hog heaven:)  He still has a year, but I know he is going to be so ready for preschool when his time comes.  If my heart (& my mr.'s) can just handle it!  (We couldn't even hardly handle Camp Carnival for an hour on vacation...YIKES!)

4.  Three Year Check Up. Okay, let me just set the stage for this little tale.  Cam has tagged along with me to Conley's doctor appointments & witnessed "the shot" experience over & over this past year.  When it was his turn for a check up this past week, he continuously chirped all the way there how he hoped he WOULD NOT have to have a shot.  Everyone we encountered in the pediatricians office...the receptionist, medical assistants, fellow children & parents, the doctor... he made SURE he told them, "I don't want a shot!"  

Well y'all.  He had to have one.

So.  I decided to prep him before the nurse came in with the shot tray.  Cue the dramatic crying & shouting.  "Get me outta here, mom!"  Heart breaking.  Maybe a few giggles too.  When that didn't work, he said, "I've gotta hide!"  He crawled out of my lap & under the chair until the nurse came in when he, you guessed it, told her he did not want a shot.  Lots of giggles & then I snugged him close til it was over.  My brave boy.

You could say we survived "the shot" & made a few memories in the process:)  Oh, what a task it will be to prep him for the next one!

5.  Annnddd, I'm just going to leave this little gem right here...(insert laugh cry emoji)
Enjoy your weekend!