Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Conley Scout || 5 & 6 Months

Okay, so is it seriously about to be May 2016?  Where, & I mean, w h e r e has time gone?  It can't be almost summertime.  meh.  Time is SUCH a thief.  Our little tiny is half a year old!  Between the internet troubles & my stubborn spoiled rotten 6 monther...I'm a little behind on posting about Conley!  Here's to catching up;)
5 months
 Weight: 18-20 lbs (again...totally guessing) 
Birth: 7 lbs 14 oz

whats new...
-teething, or so we think.  he stays wet from drool!
-we have a rollie pollie, back to belly & belly to back...& well-can you classify a log roll, too?
-first visit to the zoo!
-first easter!
-we've really noticed his voice-it's so deep!  a lot deeper than cam's ever was:P
-wearing size 3 diaper, size 3-6/6-9 month clothes

big brother cam, baths, splashing, smiling, playing with his feet, trying to eat his feet, watching people, his fist, laying on his side
getting put in his carseat, loud noises, cam roars, naps

play & cognitive development
 conley is crazy about standing up (with help of course).  when you grab him he usually slams his little feet in your lap & will stand there as long as you allow!  he loves to play under the jungle gym mat & look at bright lights or look at his toys.  he loves to kick & move his arms.  his laziness his wearing off these days!  he mainly just rolled from belly to sides at 5 months.  he began liking to feel something while he goes to sleep (like a blanket & just like big brother who always had a special shirt he liked to rub while going to sleep;)

we started the oatmeal/rice cereal this month!  he really didn't know what to do with was pretty messy.  but hey!  aren't almost all transitions in life?:)  he still is nursing more frequent, but less time.  and he continues to eat a lot throughout the night.

homeboy isn't about sleep anymore.  or was he ever about sleeping after his first month?  sometimes i find myself saying...he never sleeps!  but...i'm pretty sure i said that with cam too.  hmmmmm.  maybe it's just a tired momma talking?  he sleeps okay through the night, but i'm almost positive he's down to a month a day as a FIVE month old baby.  yes.  and if I'm not at work...let's just say he doesn't take a nap.  and if he does, it's like 2 minutes long.  don't ever ask me for sleep advice LOL!

five month photo dump

we've had our first halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years, valentines, easter...
yikes!  now, it's on to your very first summer
6 months - HAPPY 1/2 BIRTHDAY, CONLEY!
Weight: 19-21 lbs (again...totally guessing) 
Birth: 7 lbs 14 oz
whats new...
-sitting in the leaning position on his own!   he still topples over when he leans too far to one side.  he's starting to sit during his bath, in the bean bag, & mamaroo!  p.s. changing diapers is NOT fun now!
-he has started reaching out and grabbing e v e r y t h i n g.
-teething...but aren't babies "always teething"-or so it seems?  slobber box!
-cries for me if he sees me after i've been gone to work
-he can push up into "a girl push-up position":)
-he is in a 3 diaper, wears 6-9 month (some 10-12 month) depending on brand
-first hair cut (given by mommy) I had to snip that crazy Ace Ventura swoop

his big brother, his first swim in the pool (it's going to be a fun summer!), sitting up, being held ALL the time, fruit, being talked to, toys, grabbing everything in sight, being walked & bounced, rolling over, his feet, seeing how far he can cram his fist in his mouth, to talk & hear himself talk, leaving the church service;/, talking to daddy on FaceTime 
getting put in his carseat, sleep, being sat down anywhere, loud noises, laying flat on his  back, not a fan of his pack-he'd rather nurse & it's almost impossible to fool him.

play & cognitive development
conley is almost sitting all by himself-i can see his core getting stronger day by day.  he pushes up into a yoga cobra pose when he has tummy time lol!:)  he loves to talk & sing & when people talk to him. i'm pretty sure this baby smiles 23 hours 50 minutes of the day.  he has to be stimulated for what seems to be, 24/7.  he never wants to be put down & fears the "s' word (you know, sleep!) sounds like a familiar threenager i know...he has r e a l l y started showing interest in everything around him.  he notices people, animals, & especially his toys.  my diaper bag is packed FULL as it's a constant rotation of toys to keep him entertained & his hands on something "baby proof":) 

we started baby food this month!  he (again, as with oatmeal) really didn't know what to do with it...his bibs & clothes are done for after he eats:)  at first, he cried & got mad when i tried to give him the veggies.  so far he has had sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, & a pumpkin mixed veggie.  His favorite is green beans.  my nana gave him fruit while babysitting the first week, and naturally he loved it.  i feared he would never eat vegetables again...LOL-but he has proven me wrong.  he also has been having frozen banana in the teething ring.  loves!  today, we tried a puff & he wasn't very impressed nor made much effort to help it dissolve-which, i couldn't BELIEVE? w h a t child doesn't love puffs?  tomorrow, he'll probably love them.  that just seems to be his style.  as for nursing, he wants to nurse ALL the time which explains his michelin man appearance.  

he pretends he sleeps...but he doesn't unless i am laying with him.  what have i done?  i've created a monster.  that's what I've done.  MONSTER:-)  currently busy diagnosing myself with adrenal fatigue.

six month photo dump

there's a lot of baby talk going on here in this blog a mine...tomorrow-it's all about cam:)
till' then...