What a Halloween! Might I just say two things? ONE--Your child's Halloween chocolate is not the best way to lose baby weight //it haunts me// & TWO--Is it possible to learn almost everything you can know about outings with a toddler & infant in one evening? I hope not or we may never arrive on time to anything ever again!
Cam has talked about Halloween for months...months! Which in part is my fault- sure - but apparently I should have built it up even more, because he was NOT having the Batman costume he had raved about for, yes you guessed it, months!
Conley slept through the entire day & evening-so of course he was cool with being a bat. But Cam?
"No Mom! No Dad! I not want to be Batman. That is silly!"
Full out panic, flop in the floor like a limp fish, screaming like a banshee, tears & snot flying REFUSAL. Situations like this just call for Mama Bear mode - in other words...oh, your wearing it. Okay, so maybe not the mask & cape...but the part you can't rip off...you're wearing it.
It took Cade & I both pinning this superhero in denial down to the ground to clothe. And as luck would have it, in the middle of all the Halloween chaos we had visitors arrive to see the baby...& of course witness our awesome parenting skills during the Batman Breakdown.
Could it get any more crazy? Yes, yes it can. Given our circumstances //a newborn, two sleep deprived parents, & a toddler batman with emotional baggage// we went to three family members houses & to a restaurant before throwing in the pumpkin bucket for the night. And pictures of the Batman solo? Yea. Don't even go there!
But I'll have you know, every house we trick-or-treated at, Cam grew more & more excited <<even proud>>about being Batman. The shyness faded away & he morphed into Batman before our eyes. The flopping fish movements that kept us crazy while dressing him turned into Batman's crime fighting moves. Heck! By the end of the night, we had to literally FIGHT him again to take OFF the costume & put on his PJ's. Then, he met the Hulk trick-or-treater at Lala's house. "My want to be the Hulk! My not want to be Batmannnn anymore!"
That kid. Conley Scout...It comforts me to believe that I'll have at least one more year of a compliant trick-or-treater in you.
And it may have crossed my mind to forgo my cat girl mask & go au naturel with my newborn mom baggy eyes...but it might have been a little toooooo scary for the kids.
Hope you all made lots of great Halloween memories this year...
I sure know this new family of four did!;)
Now. Go enjoy that channel 13 on Sirius XM Radio...I know I am! #SiriusXMHolly
Hey lady! I'm so glad you found me on High Five for Friday - because now I get to check out your adorable blog. Super cute costumes!
I'm sure all of us parents have been there with the tantrum throwing, mind changing toddler. I'm in the thick of it with you! But I loved your story - so funny.
Hope you have a great day.
I love love those family pics. You look awesome, and Conley is just toooooo precious. Oh, and in my experience, it gets easier. You may even be on time for some things now and then :-)
Hey girls! Thank you for stopping by Lindsay! I sure hope so Chelley...right now the thought of getting all three of us ready by myself and out the door is beyond stressful lol. But I'm learning!
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