Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Favorites

We are almost into the lazy days of summer!  Are you ready?  I know I am!  I brought out my summer/spring clothes about...oh TWO months ago & I'm pretty sure sandals have been on my feet ever since:-)  Isn't shopping the best when it's time to change seasons?  Not only are there great sales everywhere, but there are new things to browse through that get you excited & imagining the fun things that each season brings!  Speaking of summer, I thought I'd share some summer Friday Favorites:)

1.  Water:  Expectant moms...ever crave the fizz of soda's?  Or want to have a little variety of guzzling something more than just water?  I am loving this alternative!  You don't sacrifice taste or health with this drink!  My favorite so far is the orange mango.

2.  Target's Summer Sandals:  Have you been to Target lately?  They have the cutest sandals for summer ever! I got this gold pair while we were at the beach.  I didn't have any flip flops to wear to the pool & was looking for something to be able to wear there and at the lake/pool this summer.  These not only work for that...but they are pretty dang cute for work & when I'm out & about as well...  SCORE:)

3.  Picnic Basket:  I have constantly the sale aisles of stores forever scouting for one of these babies.  I love the idea of taking a meal with all the fixings or just a simple snack to a fun outdoor area for a picnic.  They are way cuter than a cooler:)  I especially love this one from Crate & Barrel.

4.  Chalk Talk:  We've not felt much like going outside to play these last few weeks, but when we favorite toddler activity lately can be described as follows:  "Cam, what would you like for me to draw?"  Tata head, Mommy!  It's allllwaaayyss Tata Head:)  He giggles & hops all over the chalk Potato Head, just like he can't believe we made potato head come to life on the sidewalk.  So fun:)  & cheap!
5.  The End of the School Year:  I've never been on the "teacher" side of the end of the school year.  I have to's completely hectic & chaotic.  But when a kid hands you a card like the one pictured below, it all of a sudden seems worth it.  Sure it's one card out of the 40+ students that I serve, but if I made a difference & special memory in one kid's life, I think my job is done!  One of my schools also threw me a special shower & "farewell" party (more on that later).  It's been a sweet week:-)  Two more to go!

Happy Friday (& looooonnnnggg weekend) everyone!