Sunday, November 17, 2013

7 Months!

You know what they say...better late than never!
I swear, with each month Cam gets more fun and playful...
and 2xfqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq2
Yep that was Cam.
 He is into EVERYTHING 
and expects attention 24/7...
so you can go ahead and consider 
coming home from work my second shift:)
My favorite of the two!

Watch Baby Cam Grow:  
{One Month} {Two Months} {Three & Four Months} {Five Months} {Six Months}
He's almost too heavy for mommy to hold like this now!

A Few Of My Favorite Things:  Playing with mommy’s necklaces, bouncing up and down, pushing my activity walker, squealing, bath time, peek-a-boo, babbling, slobbering, twinkle lights, walking with someone holding my hands, going outside, swinging, petting Cookie, FOOD and Milk/Juice, listening to our church choir

Not so favorite...getting my face wiped, sleeping (yes we are back to that agian), riding without a buddy, when you quit feeding me...

Milestones: Saying MAMA! J J  Army crawling, rolling over and pushing up to crawl, standing (11/17/2013), walking when I push things, 1st Christmas show, squeals like a pig (hopefully this won’t last long),

My hands:  Always busy searching for the next teething toy.  Anything will do!  Toothpaste...Mom's fresh flowers...chip bags...fingers!  I love to type on the computer!

Still no teeth...

My feet:  I am standing on my own!  But I fall a lot, so you have to be close by!  I like to push my activity walker.  I can basically get any where I need to go, sometimes that is not a good thing (i.e. wires, dog toys, coffee cups)

Music: We listened to Halloween Party radio all of September and October and now I'm slowly trying to spark his interest in Christmas music;)  He also likes to "bounce" to "Jump Around"

Best Part of Month(s):  All of our fall festivities and watching our baby grow up healthy and happy...I wonder sometimes why God blessed me with being a mommy.  I think this was the job I was put here to do!  He is my sunshine.

Worst Part of Month:  Falling off the bed at Nana  & Papas…Pretty sure he took years off of their life.

My favorite products: Snoopy, Raffi music, Etsy's velcro ties, Baby Converse, organic baby blankets, activity walker, standing activity center, rubber duckies...thinking Santa is going to have to invest in some new and fresh bath toys!

 & Cam