Monday, February 1, 2016

oh, hey monday

This Monday came at me like a ton of bricks.  It was a "if somethings going to happen, it's gonna happen today" kinda day!  But I survived:)  May or may not be thanks to a pit stop to grab some Valentine peanut M&M's, but nonetheless.  I made it!
I walked into a bit of a mess, after spending all month organizing my things-we had to move offices as of Friday.  It seems this is a common occurrence for the history of the person with my job title.  No complaints here though!  Just glad to have an office & workspace...hopefully one day soon we will have a steady workspace.
This was a f t e r I cleaned for about 30 minutes
There might have also been a few other mishaps- like showing up to an IEP meeting in the middle of nowhere with empty folders vacant of paperwork to be filled out.  Forgetting every essential part of my pump & having to sneak back home not one, but two times to get the thing working.  Might have added 45 minutes on to my day.  But, hey.  Tomorrow's Tuesday-another day;)

Lets switch gears a bit--How was your weekend?  Ours was f u l l of excitement as we attempted t h r e e birthday parties in a row.  Cam had a blast & Conley, well, he's too little to care...but Sunday was all about the afternoon nap to recover from all the crazy party hopping.  We embraced the day of rest.
Cam stories these days are so frequent it's hard to keep up.  Last Wednesday night at church, Conley wasn't having the whole sitting still thing during our service.  I got up & decided to try nursing him in the back.  Cam decided he wanted to tag along, oh--maybe a minute after we left.  I thought I seen a little shadow hover at the door when I sat down in the rocking chair but didn't think anything about it.  A few minutes later I heard his little voice & my mom.  I went to the door & he about knocked me over running inside.  "Lala" informed me he had came back into the church & said "Mommy locked the door, mon' Lala," practically from the pulpit.  
After Conley finished nursing, we had a spit up incident so our little trio headed to the kitchen to grab some paper towels.  The kitchen has a speaker that streams the message & singing for those who may be preparing food for a dinner or whatnot.  <Cam hadn't ever experienced this before> He looked up at it the second we entered the kitchen & I'm pretty sure he thought our preacher was God speaking to him.  His little eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure things out.  About two minutes into his trance he started talking back to the speaker.  "I not God, I Cam!  I not bow down, I Cam!  I not person, I Cam!"  He was repeating "I not --the last word of the preachers sentences" & adding "I Cam!"  

"Who do you think is speaking to you, Cam?  I asked.  "He not like me!" he replied.  This kid.  #southernbaptistkidprobs

Other Cam-isms:  He has quickly figured out saying "I love you, Mom," is equivalent to the pardon of a death sentence, "I won't do it again" will buy him another opportunity to make potty training right, though he says "No thank you" every time you tell him it's time to go to the bathroom (& yes, we are s t i l l on the timer system).  When will it ever end!?  Lol.  Oh, & he called me Cassidy today.  Yes.  As if the whole "Mom" not mommy thing wasn't enough.  Ain't gonna happen little man.  Ain't gonna happen.
Happy Monday, y'all.