Friday, May 7, 2021

Friday Happenings | April Showers Bring... May SHOWERS

It has been a rainy week here in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Stormy, too!  Kind of fitting for the mood of this much dreaded week, as it marked the first anniversary of my brothers death on May 4th.  Here is my post honoring him & sharing his testimony last year.  As I grow "older" (it's very hard for me to say that🤗) the more I realize how time is fleeting, we are not promised tomorrow, & what "seize the day" really means. 

This was a visit with Brody in rehab in 2013

A couple of months ago, I remember thinking about how the night time routines had changed since moving into our home in December of 2016.  Cam was almost 4 and Conley was a fresh one year old (younger than Baker is right now!)  I can't wrap my head around that.  I think of how every night, though I didn't realize it-they were changing.  Growing.  Our season of life was changing.  Today I have a headed to Kindergartener and an almost third grader.  How many nights did I fall in to bed surviving?  Too many!  I've purposed in my heart to see every night for what it is now.  A memory-a time I never want to forget!

 I've always been a "there's always tomorrow" kinda girl, but lately, in my thirties-that is changing.  Today.  This week.  Make it count!  Go outside and play with your kids, read that bedtime story, let them sleep in your bed.  Don't sweat the small things (Are you listening, Cassidy?). I'm off my soapbox.  I hope that wasn't too gloomy?  I just want to be encouraging!


This week was "Under the Sea" Week at MDO.  Bae was the cutest mermaid & left her hair bow in ALL day.  First time ever!  Proud Mama over here!

Also, can we just talk about there is nothing more in this WORLD I love more than these homemade gifts??  I die.

I have a little Cam shout out. This babe has overcome a lot this year in the world of sports.  He is so tender hearted, sensitive, and has such a desire to please others-so having a coach switch out on you twice in the middle of the season as he was just getting to know them- and then learning to accept criticism & different coaching styles-worrying all day every day about always making the right moves/plays etc. all to watch him as he grows in to a confident growing/striving athlete- I'm SO proud of him!  He scored all the points in the game Thursday for his team.  To go from a kid who is so worried about everything and scared with a crippling fear of messing up-to THAT.  He had a lot of pressure on him at the end of the game and he STILL hit that ball and grabbed all the bases.

SO INCREDIBLY PROUD.  A little event with a big powerful punch in character building.

Crying now.🤧





What has God taught me this week...🤔

This week hasn't had "a moment"-but reoccurring things I think God has emphasized for me lately have been thoughtfulness/thinking of others more than self, being coachable & teachable in everything, how imperative self control is in every aspect of life.  Praying over all these things in my life-may God grow me & my family in each of these areas!

My sister and mother in law are always so thoughtful💕 They inspire me ☺️


Mama Bear Apologetics l o v i n g this book & the confidence/assurance it is investing in me so that I can strive to be the Christian parent I have been called to be in the world we live in today.  It also gives me confidence in talking with other people about more "touchy/controversial" topics-though I will always probably shy away from that.  I, however, never want to be afraid "to go there" with another person & have a great open minded discussion -show them how we as Christians can be respectful with a differing opinion or belief & hopefully help shed some light (some JESUS light) on things❤️

Over half way through -and so far...HIGHLY RECOMMEND to everyone!


I heard a quote this week that said, "If you want a clean house, you will have a clean house." It halfway made me mad as a mom with three young kids😂...but then it also made me determined.  I give myself grace on those late nights at baseball or work-but when I have the opportunity-I try to stay on top of everything.  I also am constantly trying to give Cam and Conley more responsibilities so they can learn how to help AND take care of what they have.  It's often like I'm starting over at day one again everyday-but I hope one day it will become a reflex for them!  Lately, I've been on an organizing kick...

This week was all about grilling...and it was SO good-that I didn't even take any pictures🤪

chicken, corn, veggies, steak.  YUM! 
But I did snap a picture of these zucchini noodles cooked with EVOO, salt, pepper, and parmesan 🤤
Perfect grill side...


Mothers Day Coming!  I'm excited about our gifts to our mamas and grandmas-we will spend today baking & wrapping that up.  I foresee a trip to Bradleys in my near future!  See Looking forward to...👇🏼


Baseball & rain.  I like that recipe when I am feeling overwhelmed!
We've had a few days off from practice & games which is just what I think we needed.

Yesterday, we "pushed play again" on the season, and I must say-being outside for the evening watching our boys play ball was so refreshing & made our hearts proud.

Also-Mom life & Target.  These days, all I do is get yelled at by babies & I get out as fast as I can...

We found a cute backapck & mini baby to get through this trip last week for the baseball games...

Also a cookie for this one...


Mother's Day this weekend.  I heard someone recently say it was their favorite holiday since becoming a mom.  Holidays have always held on to most of my memories.  I'd say that's why I love them so, needless to say, though I'd never thought of it as a "holiday" so to speak- I love that & becoming a mother is truly my most blessed/the best part of my life.  What a thing to celebrate-though I don't want to be insensitive.  I know all too well some struggle with this day.  Whatever you are feeling this weekend-my love & prayers go out to you💕. God is near to those who are broken hearted!