Saturday, May 1, 2021

Friday Catch Up!

 Man, I have missed writing.  This little space is always looming in my mind as something I'd like to get to, but it always gets put on the back burner of the "to-do's."  Mostly because I don't even know where to start because it's been so long since I've written.  Then, I was reminded of how simple the Friday Favorite posts are.  The random, say what you want to say, talk about what you want to talk about post🙃  Even in something as little as writing, "you don't have to see the whole stair case, just take the first step! -MLK JR."

Prepare for overload...


My kids are GROWING & I can't make it stop!  I love them so much.  Words can't elaborate on the blessings (and hair pullings) these three bring me.  I thank God everyday for allowing me this most special gift of being their mama.  Baker will be 19 months old on May 9.  Conley is officially 5 and a whole 1/2, and Cam just turned EIGHT.  I don't like that number, because after that is NINE, then TEN!  If you are a new mom, I'm sure you think these ages are old (Trust me.  I did too.  But just'll see❤️)

Baseball while Conley is out trying to tag the bases running backwards executing his a mean cartwheel in the outfield, Cam is at a very hard age with his sensitive soul & dealing with "coaching"...aka he thinks he is always being yelled at & it tears him all to pieces.  Also, he is me.  Any tips with a kid like this would be appreciated!  Love him.  

                        The time we went to Target to get a baseball helmet & as we roll into the parking lot, Conley, though fully dressed as the Mandolorian, announces that he neglected to wear shoes.  Cam pushes Bae in the stroller for me & I carry him in to the cart.  Ain't nobody got time to run home after school BEFORE baseball practice & get shoes & come BACK to Target with three kids.  You make do.😂

Cam's Eighth Birthday

Waterday they do the MOST fun things ever at their MDO program.  This week they had water day!  I also have to mention since day one, Bae has had a bestie & they never leave each others side.  They are a month a part, & it always cracks me up at how much more hair her bestie has only being a month older.


I've probably said this before on here, but it's been a while so I'll say it again.  I'm not much of an reader since my high school days (I'm too hyper for that) but I can find time to read faith based books because it is a necessity. 

Get Out of Your Head: (as an audiobook-hello, productive laundry folding time) OH, how I needed this book.  At times, I can become the world's worst worrier & discourager to myself.  This book has brought up so many wonderful biblically based thoughts to bring yourself out of those times in life when you find yourself in the downward spiral of negative thinking.  I highly recommend!

New Morning Mercies Devotional (been reading for about a year-I should be finishing soon.)  I absolutely love it for a morning devotional to guide my scripture reading for the day.  I want to share every page every morning on my insta for everyone to see-(but I don't) it's just that good.

It's also white when you take the cover off, making it a perfect coffee table or decorative book to always leave laying around & so easy to grab everyday💕

all ears for more recommendations :)

Joined our Church when we first came to Knoxville, we joined a church we liked after visiting regularly for about 4 months.  We loved a lot of things about it, some we weren't so sure about.  To make matters a little more tricky...Conley was barely 2 & he did NOT want to stay anywhere without us-making finding a church h a r d.  I was so tired of sitting in parking lots, while the service was going on because he wouldn't stay in the nursery & was too crazy for the sanctuary.👻  He finally seemed comfortable in this church, and poor Cam-we had bounced around visiting so many churches I just wanted normal for him, too.  On top of that, we had a lot of pressure to join from the members every week-so we just "ripped the band-aid off" & did it.  What could it hurt?  Well, about a year in, we knew it just wasn't the fit for our family.

Back to searching & praying.

I know God knew we needed a quick turn around with our kids, so it was of no surprise to me that He led us to the perfect place to call home in the next church that we visited.  I was pregnant with Baker during all of this 🤪. Not only a church home, but at the very time we needed childcare for Baker & Conley so I could work, they started up a brand new program-Mothers Day Out.  I can see God's hand in all of it & I'm so thankful he led us there.  It's a big church, but one that doesn't apologize for who they are, what they believe, & they do not judge or turn anyone away.   They love people like Jesus does.  I'm excited to see what God does with our family through this church💕


Cruel Summer (thank you to one of my Pretty Little Liars buddies for the rec.)  We used to have Tuesday night PLL watch parties every week & always had so much fun.  SO, when she said this show had PLL vibes, I knew I had to try it.  Though, I must say-  I quit watching PLL-it ended horribly. Dumb.  So far, this show is SO good!  It takes a lot for me to sit & watch something...but it has all the mystery needed to suck me in.

The Biebs new release (why is it all so good & why have I been a fangirl since his baby years?) & 2000 playlists on Spotify.  Biebs makes 50% of his profits off of me listening to his This is Justin Bieber playlist #sorrynotsorry😂. I admit very embarrassing things & I'm okay with that.

I've been adding walking around the neighborhood with the kids in the evening thanks to "Tough 75"-(we will save that discussion for another day), but I must say... having one ear with some good upbeat tunes has been 🙌🏻


 I will dedicate this to an entire post to the fun things we've been up to around the house, eventually.  Especially when we finally get to hang lighting fixtures & pictures😬...  Cade.  

Recipes I adore finding new recipes that are easy AND that have the potential to be a crowd pleaser (I have very picky customers).  New recipe love goes out to The Sister Studio for her mini taco bowls-they were super easy (we're talking just before a baseball game-cooked meat in crockpot all day easy). You just stuff your taco meat in mini street taco tortillas inside a muffin pan and heat on 375 until the cheese melts.  Then add toppings.  Brilliant. 


Easter 2021 could truly be defined as Baker's first easter.  We were in quarantine last year & while Easter is simply the celebration of Jesus & His resurrection, we missed getting to celebrate in church & then after with family.  This time last year, Joe Daddy & Bebe were in Hawaii & he was very sick. It was a hard time for our family.  This year God blessed us with a perfect day.


(probably could alternatively titled-what I do to not kill my kids😂)

*I'm leaving this blank today-I've already overloaded this post.


Summer!  The lake days with family, pool days in the subdivision, splash pads that are actually open this year (Bae has never been!), grilling outside.  I don't know if the days will be "slow," but I hope to soak them in.