Friday, May 14, 2021

A Yucky Week in May

This has to be the g r o s s e s t week in May, ever (personally & weather related).  

Rainy & 40-50's?  Breathing treatments, snot, & sleepless nights?

 You heard that right.  My poor girl has been so sick since the beginning of this past weekend!  ALL the sick things, she has had basically every symptom-I'll spare you the details.  We've snuggled lots & that keeps us going!  Thank the Lord for breathing treatments-I think that is what finally made her start turning a corner about Wednesday! 🥱. And if this weather doesn't make up it's mind soon-these allergies may do Baker in.

I love sweatshirt weather, but... I. am. over. it.

Bakie's babes are all sick too...


Conley: Mom!  I'm done! (pooping)

Ok, cool.

Conley:  Mom!  You're just saying that so I'll wipe my butt!

Yep, Con.  You're right.  5 year olds tend to wipe their own butts. 

*Side note: I've made him wipe his own butt for a long time now...he just NEVER does it without me telling him he has to.  I wonder when he will finally understand those days are over?!🤪


Bae has decided it's fun to take her diaper off.

And then, she says: "Poop!"  And wants to go sit on the toilet.  She's going to potty train herself before she turns two. Without a doubt.


One morning this week, while I was reading my Bible, I had it on my heart to start memorizing scripture...the first verse I came to was 2 Thes. 5:18-

"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

I've had a lot of anxiety this week & I'm not sure why.  One morning I could barely even workout because my heart rate was running so fast-it was scary.  I felt so much apprehension & I don't know why...

So when I thought on this verse, it always calmed me.  So thankful for prayer & God's word & all of his many blessings on my life.   Look at God.  And how he works-He knows just what we need, when we need it.


On the sick day I took off of work with Bae, while I wanted to just play Fuller House in the background while I worked, I mini-Cassidy-style binged Emily in Paris while doing laundry (my t.v. loving family influenced me).  I'm still not finished & probably will never finish it, but it kind of gave me an adult version of "Passport to Paris" /Mary Kate & Ashley vibe.  It's a little raunchy...though what isn't these days?  I will say, what I took away from the episodes I watched was how CONFIDENT Emily was throughout every negative & impossibly horrible thing that could go wrong for her-despite being in a foreign country.  She never doubted her worth,  though being completely out of her comfort zone, dumped by her boyfriend, oblivious to her surroundings, & challenged daily by people who wanted her to run home crying with her "tail tucked between her legs."  But she didn't.  She refused to give up.  May we all be as true to who we are as Emily is in Paris...
Gah, I'm such a mom.  
And you can't go without saying something about the Paris scenery -it is so dreamy in this series.  Swoon.


Is it too early to decorate for the fourth?  

Spring is my least favorite season to decorate for.

More organizing.  
I began working on my spices & am starting on our coffee station.
I think the hardest thing to organize are cups & spices🤪
I wish we had a container store close by...but we don't so Marshalls it is.  I almost made the mistake of getting a spice organizer at Walmart for 12.99-but found the SAME thing at Marshalls for 4.99!
J.Gaines Tortilla Soup

As for recipes, I think I'm going to challenge myself to find the best homemade key lime pie recipe this summer.  Try different ones & see which is the best?  That might be a fun weekend thing.  I need other volunteers for different flavors...any takers?  We can compile a list of the BEST summer pies-tried & true.🙃

For Mother's Day, this is one resurrected from last spring-JoAnna Gaines Oatmeal Creme Pies (Can you ever go wrong with a JoJo recipe?).  I swear they remind me of the scene from Honey I Shrunk the Kids which a l w a y s makes me want a blown up oatmeal cream pie.  


Mothers Day 2021 is in the books.  My 8th Mothers Day❤️.  For the weekend we went to NC with family & had the nicest day celebrating the special ladies in our life.  I just wish Baker would have felt better.  As for the official Mothers Day... I spent the first part of it alone working in Baker's class during the church service in the nursery because Bae was sick & everyone else stayed home with her so I could fulfill my child care working duty (long story there, but again...I'll spare you).  No cute "Mothers Day" background family picture for me!  🙃. I do wish we would have at least taken one picture-sickly or not!

I will admit I was sad when I walked in & seen little flower pots waiting on their mamas to pick them up...& then Baker's teacher brought hers to me (she had made it last week).  A bright spot to the day!

My secret sis gift❤️. It cracks me up at how well she feeds the coffee & "choc choc"(Baker-ese for chocolate) obsession that I have.


75 TOUGH. A new adventure for health...Hard 75/75 Tough (not sure the official name-apparently it's a tiktok thing? but I'm not a hardcore Tiktok-er🤷🏻‍♀️I can't let myself get sucked into another social media outlet).  Supposedly this app/program is supposed to help you develop "mental toughness"-  I've began & started it over 6 times if that tells you how hard it is. The reviews online basically say it's for crazy people-I guess I'm in the right place😂.  I make it harder on myself because I want perfection-you get three "hearts"or grace days-I just want all my boxes to be green!  Despite that, I have managed to have 10 "good" days.  I'm not giving up.  I like the challenge!  I typically do an indoor workout only, but this has made me find a love for walking (I've been on a run only kick the past few years)-who new I'd burn almost as many calories with much less work???  And Bae & I are obsessed with our outside walking adventures (besides the time we got caught in a monsoon & Con crashed in to the curb)...Conley is not so much a fan.  But we make him come anyway!  It's great for all of us!  If you are doing this/or start-get in touch with me-I need some camaraderie!

Walking at practice is fun too!  I love having something to do besides sit & phone surf.

The view is super cute!
And even on the days when Bae was too sick or it was too cold-I've found many indoor walking YouTube options!  Where there is a will, there is a WAY!  Def works on mental toughness.  And I need that.


Last week of TNVA.  I love my kids...I fall in love with them each year-it's always such a bittersweet time to see them for the last time-thinking I may never see them again.  But I'm proud of the progress they've made & the blessing of getting to know them and their family.  

Excited to meet my summer kids from California!  

