Hi y'all!
Welcome to the first official post from "Peaches & Pearls." I have made a huge decision in creating this blog...and in doing so I have decided to share this new adventure of my life with YOU.
About 3 months ago, my husband and I (will be married in 3 years on Dec. 12), got the news that we are expecting our first baby this coming Spring. You can imagine our shock and overwhelming thoughts, especially since this was not "in the plan." But you know what? God does NOT make mistakes...and EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
I will be graduating in May with my Masters in Speech Therapy, and we are planning to move from our small little hometown in North Carolina to Knoxville, TN soon after.
YES...you heard it right: a new baby, a new job, new home, and new town all within the next couple of years! Life's a changing for the Adams family!
And I want to share it all with YOU...
The firsts of pregnancy, mommy-hood, new career, getting my body after baby back, transitioning my family into a clean eating lifestyle, maintaining youth and my love for style and fashion, and God's faithfulness! YES...balancing it ALL! After all, isn't that what we all try to do anyway?
I'd love if you'd drop by and visit anytime...lets get to know one another as we all travel this journey together! I love visiting new blogs myself...so comment or email me and lets network.
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