Monday, September 7, 2020

Welcome "Ber" Months!🍁

Happy "Ber" Months, sweet friends!

I am always so excited for a new season, but especially the beginning of fall and (soon after the holidays). This fall, we will be celebrating my baby girl turning ONE and our Conley Scout turning FIVE.  I can't believe I am saying those words.  They are growing so fast, but how blessed are we to have had these babies in our lives for this amount of time?  It's also bittersweet, because with every new season-we experience a new place in time where my brother isn't present.  Even though he hasn't been around consistently for a while, it doesn't change the fact that this is different.  Very different.  My mom and dad could really use your prayers.  I know there are so many going through things during the year, may we lift each other up in prayer, be kind, and understanding for you may never know what another is going throughπŸ’• Dwelling on blessings is my goal.  That being said, I'm really trying to get back to writing again, and I always need some type of inspiration to get me to take time to plan posts here.  

Conley decorating this little corner...he has never been prouder of anything he's ever made outside of this alphabet "King hat."

I love to decorate for seasons, and I love to be inspired by the way other people decorate as well.  Would you do me a favor and fill out the survey below (*there are two questions at the end you can disregard)+ send me a picture of your favorite fall decor from your home?  It could even be something as simple as your favorite fall tree or drink near your home.  With that just a little blurb about what you are sharing -the items may have a story-or may not!  I will credit you (or not if you want to remain anonymous) and post here once I get the pictures in (I will collect pictures until the last week in September) and post October 1st!

BOO art by CamπŸ‚

I think a fun theme would be...use what you have to come up with something creative to inspire us with.  I think the best decorations are ones that you've had forever because there is a story to tell there and memories embedded in the display (it taps in to all the senses that have us feeling like Clark in the attic watching those sweet home videos, right?😍)

Ok, I'll stop and let you get your pumpkin spice wheels turningπŸŽƒ

I'll share the results with the pictures we collectπŸ˜‰

Send any fall inspired pictures to🍁

Happy decorating!

Amie said...

I just got all of my fall stuff out so I'll have to snap a pic it! I don't usually decorate Halloween specific, nothing against it, it's just that time frame doesn't last long enough and I don't feel like changing things out that quickly. haha I just go with fall which includes pumpkins too.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I totally get that! πŸ˜‰. And I'd love to see it! Send my way sister!