Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Back to Work in 2020

I always have to begin my fall/back to school posts with a favorite movie quote:

"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms." -Joe Fox, You've Got Mail


Yes, this time of year, as it has every fall since I watched Kathleen Kelly and Joe Fox fall in love sending emails.  Naturally, it makes me want to dress like Meg Ryan while owning my own little children's bookstore and have a bouquet of sharpened pencils on my desk to festive-ize this weird in between time of year (though, I like to say it's fall all the same🍁).

How are you feeling about all of the back to school drama?

 I would say I lucked up in the job department the last (going on) two years.  I am affiliated with the schools, in the most steady, no surprises job one might have in this weird time, because, no matter what happens in the future-I'm virtual.  I'm a virtual speech therapist.

Who would have ever thought that would ever be a thing?

I ask myself that everyday.  Lol.


But it is an answered prayer and I am thankful for its flexibility and how I feel that I can be "more of a mom" in this role than in any of the other jobs I've ever had.

I don't have to guess, I don't have any "what if's"...I know what to expect.  For my personality type...I'd say that is a good thing.  However, my mom life is all over the place.  And that flows into my work life!

Planners don't like to be thrown a curve ball.  Ever.

In which I was this week!  Yay!  Haha🙃

Our mothers day out program at our church was supposed to start this week along with my work schedule, and they ended up moving it SUNDAY AFTERNOON with our public schools opening date.  It doesn't help that our preacher and several members have confirmed cases of COVID-19-and from what I understand...Knoxville is now being labeled as a "hot spot" for the virus.  PERF!👌🏻

I'm being dramatic, and I'm really not worried.  

God took care of us as he always does and provided two seemingly awesome sisters to babysit during this span of time referred from a friend.  I'm happy to report they are much more fun than frantic trying to start back to work and keep it all together mom.😬

I'm just being silly as I like to say when I cut up.  When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right?  I'm saying right a lot, I must feel the need for validation today...

In other news, I am totally decorated for fall.  At least I waited a WEEK after we got back from the's usually the day after.  You know those things that just make you happy?  It just makes me happy😊  Let's just say when I picked up groceries, had fall scented candles (I know, my essential oils hate me for it) and Halloween M&M's... I couldn't help myself, guys.

Not to mention, I've rubbed off on Cam + Con over the years...they were so excited.  They were ready to pull out Halloween, but I DID delay that until end of September/October.  So, there ya go to the haters!😂

You do you, RIGHT?🤪

I'm going to stop jabbering and work on Baker's 10 month post..



Wishing you all the love and peace in your heart and family as you prepare for back to School❤️

Amie said...

My husband just asked me if it was time to put up fall stuff yet and I thought well I think it's September? But I mean these days who knows what day or month it is anyway! haha Think I will have to drag my decorations out, yippee!

Cassidy said...

I'm telling you, we needed some cheer around here! It lifted my spirits along with my Halloween obsessed boys🙃. I say go for it! Why not!? Right:)