Thursday, June 9, 2016

if you give a threenager a pomp tree

he's p r o b a b l y going to want his 98 cent goggles hundreds of miles away & your breakfast.  All of it.  Maybe this will make sense later...

It's official.  Summer is h e r e & we've begun our sunshine bucket list.  First up, a trip to see my sister in Wilmington & my Uncle's beach wedding.  
We left after I worked a bit Tuesday morning.  I have to brag.  The boys have been absolutely a m a z i n g on this road trip.  Well, Cam may have sobbed for two hours over leaving his new pair of 98 cent goggles, as well as the fact that the iPad battery was dead for the beginning of the trip-but what else can you expect from a threenager?  Right?

We arrived yesterday evening & got to see a little bit of Wilmington before dark.  It really is a beautiful, quaint place.  And my sister has the most adorable little town house e v e r (see above).  Jealous...just the view of the hydrangeas make me drool.  I'm all about history & old, cute, unique towns.  Throw in "pomp trees" (what Cam calls palm trees) & the salty beachy air smell & call it love.  It doesn't hurt that you can't find a crumb of bad food here, either...

Today, I'm pretty sure we made Cam's three year old life.  But first.  Naturally, to begin the day, he ate eggs & apples before leaving the house to go e a t breakfast.  Refused to eat breakfast at the diner.  That is until the food came & he seen my plate.  Proceeded to practically eat e v e r y o n e ' s food & knock over my ice water all over the booth.  #lifeofathreenager
After leaving breakfast, he seen a green truck & flipped out thinking it was a "Hulk truck."  Turns out, it DID have the Hulk inside & the driver heard him call it the Hulk truck & let him blow the horn.  #lifemade #totallydidn'tdeservethatbecauseheatemybreakfast

We went to the North Carolina Aquarium where we seen nothing but snakes, alligators, sharks...& dinosaurs.  I've attempted to persuade this boy for months over his future bedroom.  I so want him to choose super heroes, but he is determined to have a shark room.  So today, it became even more concrete.  Sharks rule, mom.  And they are all weighing in at "48 - 9 lbs big," if you're least that's what Cam says. 

Dinosaurs, too.  Just when I thought things c o u l d n ' t get better- we found a garden full of dinosaurs.  We had to go through it not once, but twice.  We pretty much seen every dinosaur imaginable on the little stroll.  I think his favorite had to be the T-Rex.  He stood there waving at the scariest, most ferocious dino of them all & said, "I think he likes me, Mom!"  Yea buddy, that "cute" smile says it all.

After the aquarium, we went to Kure beach.  Who forgot their beach friendly shoes?  This girl.  And oh, did I pay the price.  Ouch!  Cam decided he didn't want to wear his flip-flops until mid treck where he screamed bloody murder & I ended up carrying Conley & threenager on my own bare feet to a shade to put his flip flops back on.  I think this was the 354,445th "I told you so" on the trip, but.  Whose counting?  

These kiddos were not about the beach to begin with.  They both were crying the second we were splashed by a wave.  Thirty minutes in & I think we were able to convince them it wasn't so bad.  Before we left, Conley was trying to shovel sand in by the mouthfuls & Cam was jumping waves with me.
Before I let you go, I have to talk about the Ghost Walk.  Why we decided this was a good idea I will never know.  Yolo, I guess?  Yolo ain't for people with kids, y'all.  Cam hung on to every word the tour guide said (just what you'd want a three year old to do, right?) & was begging to not see a ghost the first minute into the first story (direct quote: "This is creepy!"), and Conley?  Well, he decided it was a perfect time to work on his vocal range & intensity + loosen the ole' bowels.  You can imagine how it turned out:P

People can have more fun than anybody, can't they?