Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Baker's Birth Story

She's here!
Our sweet, baby girl is finally here.

Baker Henley 
7 lbs 9 oz
20" long
For months & months, you find yourself wondering how "d" day is going to go down-& before you can blink when you hit the 3rd trimester- you find yourself with a sweet baby in your arms & unsure of how she got there!  Those days in the hospital are such a whirlwind!

It was mine & Cam's fall break.  The doctor had "stripped my membranes" on the Thursday before, & swore she didn't think I would make it through the week.  For two weeks we had planned for induction on the 11th if she didn't come on her own.  I hadn't heard back from the hospital about scheduling, so I called on Monday to check in.

"We're sorry but they are booked up.  The next induction we have available in October 23rd.  We can put you on a waiting list for the 17th."

I was dilated to a 4 on that Thursday, & my body was feeling it!
Cade & my sister, "C", basically decided to put me in pregnancy bootcamp with the induction being backed up to past my due date.
I started squatting, walking stairs, dance work out videos, lunges, pregnancy yoga poses, walking every square inch of our neighborhood (also diffused clary sage oil & ate pineapple 😂)-you name it.
I was supposed to go to the doctor again on the Thursday of fall break, but Wednesday morning...
contractions started coming.  And they didn't stop.
I started writing them down & about three hours later...they told us to make our way to the hospital.
The smallest details of the day matter to me- even things like what was on our t.v. with Cam it was Carolina Panthers, Conley was also panthers with a side of Dancing with the Stars, and with was Scooby Doo-Cade was being nice & turned it to the festive channel😂
Cade came home from work to pick me up, we loaded our bags (just in case) & arrived ar the hospital around 12 pm.  I was a little nervous that they would turn us away with how crowded the hospital was rumored to be, but after hooking me up to the monitor & finding that I was then dilated to a 6...
they sent us to a room to prepare to meet our little girl!
It's always surreal to think-we are going to meet our baby today!
The one I have carried for 9 months, but dreamed about my whole life.
Today!  Today is the day.  Life would never be the same again-another moment we would remember for the rest of our lives.  A day that will always stand out.
Always hard for me to comprehend, but the excitement is like no other.
Also the nerves are there.  All the poking & proding.
They had to start my IV twice because they blew out a vein.
And my epidural took, but only to one side.  We did end up getting that fixed, and then it was just time to wait.
My water never breaks in labor, so a couple hours later, my doctor came in & broke my water.
About an hour later, after listening to a natural birther scream bloody murder down the hall (Cade stood outside the door & listened the entire time in amazement🙈).  Doc came to my room & they said, "can you push?  STOP!"  (Turns out, it was definitely time).
One push & Baker Henley Adams came into this world at 5:29 pm.

They let me help get her & laid her on me for skin to skin.  She cried & I cried.  Pretty sure Cade did too.  The daughter I had prayed & prayed for, laid in my arms-healthy, beautiful, perfect as I could ever imagine.  So many emotions.  God is so so good.

Soon after our friend, the office manager, & photographer (what a woman, right?) came in to do pictures of the boys meeting her for the first time.
Again, NO other feeling in the world can surpass seeing your babies meet their sibling for the first time.  Another part of me felt so worried about Conley.  He a hard time adjusting to the hospital & the crowd of all of us admiring his little sister.  I could see it all over him that he was scared, confused, and unsure of what was going on.  I cried when they left the night we had to stay in the hospital.  He just seemed like a lost puppy.  But, of course he was fine.
first diaper change :)
And he was his old self the minute life turned back to normal.
Now he even says, "Mom, I love Baker so much!" & loves to pet her head.  He even held her today TWICE!
The sweetest little gifts:
Our awesome family💕
No words!
We got to come home for the first time ever after one night.
Granted, it was about 10 pm when we rolled into our neighborhood & poor Cade had to go back to the hospital to get the papers we forgot-BUT-we were home!
She didn't sleep a wink that first night.
And neither did we!

A few nights later, and she is the best sleeper ever.  She is the most precious baby girl I could have ever dreamed for.  I can't wait for this new adventure:)
More to come!

Amie said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful and you look like you rocked that delivery!!

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Cassidy,
Congratulations on your new baby girl, she is adorable, as are all of your
children. Love that they got pics of your boys meeting sweet.
You look amazing....could never tell you just delivered a baby.
Take care and get some sleep while you can. Our girl slept great for about
3 weeks and then she started waking hope that doesn't happen to you but just in case, take advantage of all the rest you can get.
Again Congrats and Best Wishes and blessings dear,

Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate said...

Congratulations! My heart is so full for you and your family! God is good!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet ladies!