Saturday, May 11, 2019

13 AND 17 weeks || Baby A # 3

Because, surprise, I FAILED at taking a 13 week picture...
It’s amazing how difficult it is to take a little picture these days-it’s not what I intended but it will work today! 

How far along? 13 weeks + 1 days
Total weight gain: ( I was up 10 lbs because of some side effects from my naseau medicine.  When we got that straightened out I lost 6 lbs in a day.  It was a rough first trimester )
Maternity clothes? not yet!  I can still squeeze in my jeans:)
Sleep: Okay...
Best moment this week: Hearing the babies heartbeat and that everything is okay.  It is an unmistakable blessing from God.
Miss Anything? Energy & feeling good!
Cravings: weirdest I've ever experienced.  I chose sherbet over cookies and cream this week y'all.  Never sour over chocolate.  NEVER.  Also, meat.  I crave cheeseburgers.  I usually can't s t a n d meat.  It's so crazy! 
Symptoms: nausea, weakness, blood sugar dropping
Looking forward to: being able to enjoy pregnancy & the slower (I hope) days of summer.
How far along? 17 weeks ago 
Total weight gain: 5-6 lbs fluctuating for the last month
Maternity clothes? not yet! I definitely feel more comfy in longer shirts.  Scouring for tunics for summer.  Gimme all the things to wear with leggings.
Sleep: I feel back and stomach soreness every night.  Already😬
Best moment this week: I am feeling good again:). It feels so nice to be able to do morning workouts & have energy again!
Miss Anything? energy & feeling good!
Cravings: Hmmmm.  I am always STARVING after work.  I would say mostly protein.  Cheese and meat.  That is usually the opposite of what I crave.
Looking forward to: The gender reveal on Tuesday!  Guesses?  I am guessing boy.  Pretty sure I'm boy mom for life.
*this post was created last Friday (posting late).