Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Merry Spring Break Wednesday!

Is that a thing?  Merry Wednesday?  It is this week!  It's my Spring Break😍 lately + plans for this week off.

one. menu plans
You guys, I have really struggled lately.  With energy, food, motivation for life.  Saturday I thought I had turned a corner, even with what seemed like an impending sinus infection.  Nope.  Struggling again today on this Sunday eve as I type the first part of this post.  I think I've convinced myself to self medicate.  To do that...its going to require a lot of planning & prep on my part.

I've had a lot of yucky side effects from my nausea & prenatal medicine this time around & after my doctor visit last week, I've found that what I put into my body is extremely important this third time around.  Not that it wasn't before, I've always tried to be conscious of my diet/exercise/ & lifestyle during pregnancy, but every pregnancy is different.

For whatever reason, this one requires more of an emphasis here.  I haven't felt like cooking AT ALL so we've resorted to eating out or getting frozen meals for the past couple of week, & of course, when your nauseous, you eat what you can tolerate.  I've seen how a few changes in my diet has made a huge difference over the past week.  Not to mention my essential oils that I've put on the back burner lately due to expense.  I'm ready to get back in the kitchen & back to healthier options.  Thankful to have this week to plan!

two.  organize
I had a burst of energy to do this around Christmas, & here I am per usual on Spring Break.
That same desire to divide & conquer our mess!  Especially my + my Mr's closet, the boys closet, & figuring out how to prepare for the new baby.  Our playroom will be a bedroom now, one way or another, & that is going to take quite a bit planning!
Turning my diffusers on & getting things DONE.
current playroom situation🙈

three.  learn to French braid/fish braid?
I've felt super lazy in fixing my hair since pregnancy set in.  I have a new desire to learn this before I start back to work.  How cute would this be?

four. Soak up ALL the Vitamin D & have Lunch with Cam!
One of mine & the boys favorite thing to do is park hop.  We love to try new parks & visit the ones we love.  I leave it up to them-new or find something we know?  We grab drinks & head out!  We need allllll the sunshine this week.

Cam begs me to have lunch with him, & most of the time, my job keeps me from it.
(it breaks my HEART)
So this week off, every day we can-we have met him at 10:40 (YEP-early birds) for lunch!  Today was our second day with our big boy!  He has been so excited for our company-but I know my excitement outweighed his to pieces.  I treasure this💜

five. planning easter
I've been a cookie making these lemon white chocolate m&m cookies are up this next week for dessert.
Also, I just completely had a mini freak out realizing easter is a mere 2 weeks away.  It is the one holiday that always seems to creep up on me.  Trying to think up things for the boys baskets that are "needs" with a side of something special that they will actually use.  Con & I are going to go walk around Target before we pick Cam up from school & maybe come up with ideas today.  And last year, we recycled our Easter Sunday best, so I'm not going to panic as that is always an option.
On a side note: do any other adults out there like to hunt and hide eggs as much as I do?
We started doing that in early March😂

And let's just be real.
All I've really done so far is conquered tons of progress reports.  That may be all I get done.  After this week, I think I only have to endure them one more time - so I think I can do this!  And I'll enjoy doing it from home as I do❤️