Sunday, November 11, 2018

For the Love of October + My Blog

I don't know how I will maintain my blog AND do paperwork for 100+ IEP's…
I will never stop trying.
Do you know how many times over the past month I've thought, OH I'd love to blog about that!

For instance:
Conley making up a story about a kid in his "Bible Church" class.  He makes up LOTS of stories.
Cam: How old is this boy?
Conley: 25 and 240.
Also, Conley never quits talking.  He just says words if he has nothing important to say.
Or makes up stories. 

In other news:
Cade: CAM!  I said to stop that!
Cam: You're not the King of my life!  Jesus and God are!
Their little boy conversations will never grow old.

A LOT has happened since I last blogged...  Conley is THREE, Cam lost his first, not ONE, but TWO teeth, we had all the fall/Halloween fun, welcomed a new furry friend (a whole other blog post, but I fear I may never have time), put up the Christmas tree, and now are quickly sprinting our way toward Thanksgiving.  Why is it my favorite time of year always seems to be on "fast forward?"  It goes by too, too quickly for my liking.  The leaves are a reminder of that!  When they "peak" they fade quickly.  This past weekend they were absolutely breathtaking.  I couldn't take my eyes off them no matter whether we were indoors or out.  Riding or walking.  Taking it all in before they fall to the ground until next year.  
Such beauty in the changing of the seasons!

Speaking of seasons, I am having a hard time balancing it all as a mom, wife, employee, daughter, sister, friend, and well- just Cassidy.  Worst of all, I feel "out of sync" with my Heavenly Father and when that happens, everything else just doesn't seem right either.
I try to read my bible and pray as I did so many times before, but I am overwhelmed with all that life has for me at this moment in time.  I pray I can find some normalcy in my routine and find myself back in the spirit I so badly need to be in.  

I believe in being honest, though I haven't always.  In honesty we can help others know that they are not alone or bring the realization that in our seasons of happiness and harmony, we are promised seasons of solitude and struggle in one way or another.  Our social media highlight world wouldn't have us know that, but I'm thankful for people who express that everything isn't perfect, but they choose happiness anyway and fight to always be their best.
Wow!  I'm quite touchy-feely today.

Here are a few pictures and memories from October 2018:
Conley's Dirty Thirty + The Pumpkin Patch
This is the first fall in several years it actually felt the season.  We didn't sweat bullets and it was a perfect day!  I think Conley had the best birthday, yet.

The Sticky Bandits, Kevin, Fuller, + The Bird Lady.
Best.  Halloween.  Ever.
I don't even care if none knew who we were!

We also did Jurassic Park:)

Ready for the Holidays.
We put up our Christmas tree no hesitation on November 1st. 
There is just not enough time to enjoy the beauty of a Christmas tree and I am not sorry for it.
Thanksgiving is my second favorite, & I think a tree just adds to the beauty of the day!

Tepper Rose.
As I said, a whole other story for a whole other post.
Maybe I'll get around to it one day.
BUt all you need to know is we are thankful to have a set of paws back in our lives.
Cam's "Fifty"th Day of School
He freaked OUT Wednesday thinking he was going to miss it, asked everyday if it was "Fifties day" yet, and continuously asked who he might know that was born in the fifties.  
He wore my dad's first "R jacket," a white tee, rolled up jeans, white socks & loafers, slicked back hair.
And I think he totally nailed it.  Nailed my heart, too.  SHUT! 
Wishing you all a slow & among all things, lovely November.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Conley is three - from his pics he looks so grown up! Three is a great age, they are so entertaining and funny with what they say. I totally relate to what you are saying about sometimes not feeling you have time for everything and everyone and feeling out of sync. To say life isn't perfect all the time is an understatement - there is no such thing as perfect. When I feel everything is spiralling or I just seem to be dealing with problems, the only way to deal with it is suck all the positive, beautiful and fun moments you can, and get plenty of sleep. I literally 'coped' with my thirties in a blur - it gets easier - honest! Thinking of you - big hugs - Joanne xx