Friday, August 3, 2018

friday favorties || soakin' up the last sunrays of summer

Totally soaking up the sun & have a lack for inspired blogging lately...
Thus the lack in life around here!
Just going to leave a few pictures here & unplug.
One. Beach days
(even rainy ones...)
It's rained every day we've been here but ONE... but that's okay!
Oh,the funny stories I have to tell about my boys this week. 
Never a dull moment!


And what's even better, my Mr. unexpectedly got the day off Friday, so he headed down to join us Friday evening!  I used to be without him for months, & a couple days is killing me now... so thankful he doesn't work off anymore.
Two. Impromptu trips to Dollywood
We just wanted to see fireworks.  Folks, never go early (3-4pm wish) to see fireworks set to start at 9:30 pm with small children.  It's not for the faint of heart.  Cam & Con about took out the juggling entertainer while we waited they were so high strung with all their tired energy.
Yep, we caught them from the parking lot.

Three.  Back to school supplies
Pens are my weakness.  Probably the most boring thing you'll see all week
Four.  Cam's attempt at YouTube fame
I can't, you guys.  Is he the cutest five year old, or what???
 Excuse the long pauses-it's worth the wait.  And yes, yet again, don't be alarmed at the end...Conley is involved in another accident-he flipped off the couch into the door.
He's okay!  Just another battle wound to the face.
(this isn't a public video-you will only have access from here)
Five.  Can I just have this outfit for the first day of work?
k, thanks.
Have a great August-y kind of weekend;)
Also, on a completely random but exciting side note...totally going to be listening to my Christmas jams on the way home in a few days.
Just dropping this right here...
Linking up with the girls of High Five for Friday, Friday Favorites, & Five for Friday.
Anonymous said...

We are so on the same page!!! I've asked my family 5 times to watch Christmas films with me and they won't. Can't wait for autumn! I'm hoping to get lots of décor tips from you Americans as it is not really done as much over here. For someone lacking inspo I loved all of your photos! The essence of life! Oh and my son wants to be a you-tuber too - he watches it constantly. No TV, just you tube. Love that outfit - you've got to replicate it! Have a great weekend - Joanne xx

Beautifully Candid said...

I always say a rainy day at the beach is better than no days at the beach. Loving all of the fun you've been having! Sierra Beautifully Candid

Amie said...

It's hilarious that the screaming does not phase Cam at all!! haha

Laura Darling said...

There is nothing like being at the beach, no matter the weather! Glad you had fun!