Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Week with Daddy

We began this week so very thankful for a wonderful week with daddy...
We were either Transformer Robots or Super Heroes the entire week, so you could say 
we were covered up with saving the day E V E R Y D A Y.

The week was a super sonic blur as usual but I'd say we learned a few valuable lessons;)
  1.  We found out that having a date day is a must (even if we ate at Chick-fil-a in the midst of running around like a couple of headless chickens).
2.  Going to the movies with Conley Scout isn't always a piece of cake.  He would rather sit outside the movies staring people down until he catches their attention with his gummy grin & gets a "oh, look at that cute baby!"  
3.  It's important to say "Let's go save the day, guys" at least 5 times a day to make sure your best super hero motives are in check.
4.  Never sleep in a room with three members of the male species.  They will fumigate the room in synchronization.
5.  We have laughed at Olympic memes & tweets all week!  If you haven't, do your self a favor & google this topic.

Speaking of Olympics.  Note to self:  Yes, there is a 41 year old woman still competing in the Olympic Games.  BUT.  You cannot make the 2020 U.S. Womans Gymnastics Team at 32 after birthing two, who knows? maybe three children with a background of a few years of small town gymnastics & cheer as a girl.  The dream has to die.  (Laughing)  Who else is inspired by those girls & into the games this year? :)

Watching Olympic gymnast vault...
Dad: I used to be able to do that.
Child: What?  A double twist layout Amanar vault
Dad: No, run really fast. <<totally me>>

I wish I could remember more about last week, 
 but this week- it's all about trying to get back into the swing of the school year... 
Bare with me guys:)
