One week we have a brilliant schedule going...
I feel like wonder mommy.
The next everything goes capooey!
One thing I have learned from this:
Cam thinks he is in charge.
And he is.
For now...
As I mentioned last week, I am in the process of reading "Baby Wise."
A controversial method that promises to have your baby sleeping all night long.
Which...really isn't my concern because Cam overall does well at night
(aside from the one month night battles!).
The controversy, to my understanding, concerns not feeding your baby on demand and putting your child on a rigid schedule. I am combating this by just establishing a general routine to follow. If we stray from it one day, I'm not going to freak's life! And life is unexpected. If my child is hungry...I'm GOING to feed him. So that's that.
MY ultimate concern is Cam's overall well being. He is very fussy and fights sleep like no other! He is still an infant and needs lots (or hey...just one daily nap!) of sleep to assist his growing little body and the daily demands it faces as it changes everyday.
This schedule introduces naps into the day, something he has almost refused since probably a month old...unless being held. And we really need this established before once I start to work!
Too much going on Mom!!
Sneak peek at the battle scene:
We start out like this.
Then...the passy falls out and the eyes pop open.
And my little Naptime Warrior is at it again.
I call this: "Our Day"
Forgive the dark circles under my eye...
Gotta love him.
I plan to review "Baby Wise" once I finish it...but for the time being I will share what has helped me increase the success of daytime naps:)
1. Levana Monitor. I have already shared our monitor in my two month favorites post. This thing puts me at ease to see him while he attempts to sleep.
2. Mam Pacifier: for some reason these babies work! Rocking him with a passy will almost always get him to sleep. Its the laying him down that is tricky...
3. Summer Infant Slumber Buddy and Crib Soother and Nightlight Frog: This thing is pretty cool. Cam really likes looking at lights and the turtle projects stars onto the ceiling. I think this has bought me a couple of naptime minutes by distracting him when he does wake up! It also has sounds, but he's not very impressed with any other sound than blow dryer right now...which leads us to...
4. Blow dryer: Put ANY blow dryer on a nightstand and let it blow. Enough said!
5. Pillow: I prop Cam's back up against a pillow toward the back of his crib. That is about the only way he will attempt sleep! Any pillow will do.
Feel free to share anything that has worked for you and your baby in the past in the comments section!
I love talking to other mommies:)
We are all in this together anyway!
Mommies vs. Their Naptime Warriors